
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy Feelings!

C h r i s t m a s  2 0 1 4

My mom keeping me hydrated and letting me sleep for hours in order to fight off the flu

Music that can only reveal its magic and meaning during this much anticipated season

Reading an unforgettable book (Left to Tell)

Sleepovers with my sisters

Staff parties

A woman offering a man a ride because he was walking in the painfully cold wind

Snow resting ever so l i g h t l y upon the dust of the desert

Hot chocolate

Watching the sun set on the ride back to California

Sharing my train snacks with a hungry friend

Conversations of reminiscing and conversations of pondering

Card games

Seeing joy spread across the faces of my nephew and niece as they opened their Christmas gifts

Searching for that perfect woolly sweater

Lights strung up and decorations glistening throughout homes and neighborhoods

Family - lots and lots of family

Discovering classic Christmas songs done by the PENTATONIX

Workers smiling and joking around at the Salvation Army thrift store

The Nutcracker

Baking cookies

Watching Sister Genevieve refuse to place the infant Jesus in our manger scene for Mass because she loved him so much she didn't want to let him go