Thursday, April 5, 2012

3D Ultrasound of My Nephew!

My nephew, Jeremiah Joseph.  That sure is my sister's baby, he's got her cheeks and pouty face already!  I love them!

Now I realize that getting my face pinched as a kid wasn't some form of family torture, it was merely a result of irresistable chubby cheeks.  Poor Jeremiah...

This second photo is the one that reminds me of my sister when she was just a little babe.

When I was younger people would say that reproduction is all about raising kids for God, and that's true, but I think another part of it is the opportunity to reflect on life in its many forms and stages.  Being the oldest and watching both my 22- and 6-year-old sisters grow, and now watching my nephew as he begins his journey already in the womb, I realize that having all this life around me is raising me up toward God as well.  It's an opportunity to watch Him work in the life of another so that I can see how He has worked in my own.  Family, which is simply a small representation of the Body of Christ, gives us all the chance to watch one another, support one another and love one another.  When we can do that at home, we can do it anywhere.

May all our families be blessed and held together in the hands of a tri-fold love which is Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Happy Easter, happy people :)


  1. Sister Dorothy MoczygembaApril 5, 2012 at 8:08 AM

    What a beautiful reflection, Desire'. Hope to remember to share it with the sisters when I do the Updates on the TV with them on Monday.
    Sister Dorothy

    1. Thank you, Sister Dorothy! I hope you and all the Sisters are doing well and enjoying the fruits of Lent as we prepare to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Easter :)
