Very close to our convent were three healthcare facilities: a hospital, a rehabilitation center and an assisted living home. Several of our Sisters minister in each of these capacities, so I had the opportunity to visit a couple of them. I went to evening Mass regularly at Villa St. Francis, which is the assisted living home. Sometimes I was able to stay afterward and talk with a few of the residents and once in a while I helped them to their places at table for dinner afterward. I eventually began helping at Mass as a Eucharistic Minister as well. On one such occassion I made my way with Communion through the rows and came up to one small lady in the back. I held up the Host and said, "The Body of Christ." To my surprise and delight she responded, "And you are His forever." It is a rare occasion in which someone will respond with something other than "Amen", since that is the practice, but never have I been greeted with a response so unexpected and loving as this one. When I went home that evening, I continued to reflect on her words, and I still do, as they speak of the commitment into which I am entering as I prepare for my first profession of vows.

You see, then, why this woman's words had such an impact. Basically she was saying to me, "You
are committed to the Body of Christ forever." What a commitment! This means I am to serve my brothers and sisters -- that means all of you! -- in simplicity (poverty), charity (chastity) and humility (obedience). The words themselves do not sound daunting until I really think of what that means. It means that I must be willing to give my whole life, my very self, in the same way that Jesus did. There is a reason He asks, "Can you drink the cup that I ... drink?" (Mt. 20:22). He knows what courage and fidelity this requires! If I belong to His body, then this is what I am called to do for the rest of my life as a way of life. There are two things that give me hope 1) the Resurrection and 2) the fact that "for human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible" (Mt. 19:26).
Although this first profession of vows is not quite permanent, since they only last for one year until I renew them again, I know I need to be prepared to live these vows fully for the year that I do profess them. They will add a new dimension to my life in community and to the discernment process as I attempt to deepen the relationships I have been working on interiorly throughout these past two years in the novitiate. I trust all of you will continue to pray for me as I do for you!