Here is a write-up from my renewal of vows!

In a ceremony during Mass
at Immaculate Conception Convent in Lodi, NJ, Sister Desiré made her temporary
profession of vows for the second time. SM Christopher Moore, provincial
minister, officially received the vows that were witnessed by S Judith Marie
Blizzard, director of formation, and S Barbara Marie Brylka, co-director of the
sisters in temporary profession.
Brother Dominic Michael
Hart, a Franciscan Brother of Peace, was a special guest of Sister Desiré for
the renewal. Paula Binsol, a graduate of Felician College was also able to attend, as well as Seeds of Hope participant, Natalia Tomczyk.
In his homily, Father
Leonard Stunek emphasized the call of the Blessed Virgin and Elizabeth as
examples of being faithful to God--how they did not ignore the call of God, but
wholeheartedly embraced it.
Because of the holy day,
the entire community renewed their vows, thus making Sister Desiré's fiat even
stronger with her sisters' fiats supporting her. The feast of the Assumption is
also Sister Desiré's feast day and, at breakfast, the sisters sang and wished
her many blessings for the upcoming year.
temporary professed sisters also continued their semiannual meeting on Friday.
SM Ambrose Wozniak, promoter of the cause of Blessed Mary Angela, spoke about
Blessed Angela and her devotion to the Eucharist. In her presentation, Sister
Ambrose described Eucharistic processions in Poland and their customs. She
explained that the people set up elaborate altars in front of homes throughout
the parishes, and the processions were filled with pageantry and attended by
thousands of people. She noted that it was at one of these processions that the
young Sophia Truszkowska became enraptured with Christ in the Holy Eucharist, as
well as the fact that Eucharist was not received by the faithful on a regular
Heather Marie Deneen said that the talk helped the temporary professed sisters
to receive a fuller understanding of Blessed Angela's gift of Eucharistic
devotion to her sisters.
During the afternoon, the
temporary professed sisters had a Q and A session with Sister Christopher and
Sister Judith. Sister Heather said, "They gave advice on how to handle community
life situations, answered questions about policies and what was going on in the
province, and listened to our concerns."
SM Monica Ann Blazuk said,
"We really appreciate Sister Christopher and Sister Judy taking the time to be
with us, to be sister to us, and to answer our questions."